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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Aeronautics and Aviation

Aeronautical Chart

Picture of part of an Aeronautical Chart

Aeronautical Chart

Cover of Aeronautical Chart 2021-2022
Download the PDF version.

The Minnesota Aeronautical Chart can be downloaded as a PDF to be viewed on your computer, iPad or other mobile device. The chart is a WAC scale chart with some additional information normally found on sectional charts. Also included is a Minneapolis-St. Paul area chart.

Approach plates and airport diagrams

Download FAA charts and publications, such as current Instrument Approach Procedure charts (IAP), Departure Procedure charts (DP), Standard Terminal Arrival charts (STAR), and Airport Diagrams. Also included are Take-Off, Radar, and Alternate Minima textual procedures. Only airports with instrument approaches are listed here. The most complete source for airport diagrams for Minnesota airports is still the Minnesota Airport Directory.

Voyageurs National Park seaplane operations emergency closure

Due to the presence of the spiney water flea, an emergency closure was implemented at Voyageurs National Park effective May 10, 2007. Seaplane operations are prohibited on all lakes within Voyageurs National Park until further notice except: Kabetogama Lake, Namakan Lake, Rainy Lake, Sand Point Lake. For more information contact Voyageurs National Park at 218-283-6600.