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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Aeronautics and Aviation

Airport Directory and Travel Guide

Aerial Photo of an Airport

Minnesota Airport Directory and Travel Guide

The Minnesota Airport Directory and Travel Guide is designed to serve as valuable resources. Packed with information on airports, their essential services, and local attractions, these guides aim to facilitate a great experience at MN public airports.

Order a Paper Copy

Please complete the order form to request a hard copy of the Minnesota Airport Directory and Travel Guide be sent to you by mail. To ensure delivery, requests must have been submitted by January 31st. Please note that due to limited additional stock, requests submitted after January 31st may not be fulfilled.

ForeFlight App Content Pack

MnDOT has created a custom content pack to integrate the Minnesota Airport Directory and Travel Guide into the ForeFlight mobile app. You can now access individual airport information pages directly through ForeFlight. To save the content pack in your ForeFlight account, follow the directions on the Foreflight website.

To access Airport Directory and Travel Guide general information for the content packs (state map, contact information, a legend, and information for seaplane pilots) download this PDF and import it into Foreflight as a document.

View a PDF on your iPad or Tablet

The Minnesota Airport Directory and Travel Guide PDF files can be viewed on your computer, iPad or other mobile device and includes links to help you find airports, area information and contact information for airport managers. To save it as a PDF on your computer or device click on the appropriate link and save the PDF or click "Open in iBooks" on your iPad.

AirportFinder App

MnDOT has created a mapping application to allow users to interact with the information that is found in the Airport Directory. Primarily envisioned as a trip planning tool, this application also allows users to filter through airports by their features and amenities to find the perfect airport for their needs.


Airport Directory questions, comments or corrections should be directed to:

Danielle Walchuk