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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Aeronautics and Aviation

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) or Drones: Information for Airport Managers and Owners

Picture of a Drone

UAS Information for Airport Managers and Airport OwnersThis is an image of the B4Ufly cell phone app.

Drone use has expanded substantially since implementation of the small aircraft rule. As an airport manager, you can expect to receive many calls about drones and drone operation.

Preflight Notification

Recreational drone users are required by federal regulation to request access to controlled airspace via the LAANC system.  Previously, drone operators were required to contact airport managers and post NOTAMS prior to flying near uncontrolled airports, these are no longer required.

Safety of Flight

Drones are always required to give-way to manned aircraft, and may not interfere with traffic patterns or airport operations.

If a drone is interfering with aircraft operations, traffic patterns, or creating a safety hazard, call local law enforcement. Have the law enforcement officer compel the drone to land and obtain the identification information of the operator. Follow-up with a call to the FAA.

Drones on Airport Property

Recreational drone, model aircraft, and model rocket operations are not considered aeronautical uses and are not appropriate on airport property.

If permitting commercial drone operations on airport property, conduct a risk analysis to determine if the operation can be safely accommodated with other aviation users.  Minimum standards, including those for drones, can help assist airport managers and owners in permitting commercial drone operations.  If you choose to allow drone operations at your airport, you should add a remark into the airport Chart Supplement that describes the activity.


MnDOT is the state-level regulatory agency for aircraft in Minnesota. We are here to help you with your UAS operations. For assistance, please contact:

UAS Department
MnDOT - Office of Aeronautics