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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Aeronautics and Aviation

Commercial Operations

Picture of airplanes and an arrival departure building.

Commercial Operations

General Information:

The commercial operators license fee is $30.00 and is renewed annually. If aircraft are used in the commercial operations, then those aircraft must be currently registered in Minnesota and the applicant must have an agreement with, or employ, a licensed aircraft maintenance operator. The applicant must provide documentation authorizing them to use the airport they list on their application and must meet the insurance requirements contained in the rules for each endorsement they are requesting. MnDOT Aeronautics Rules Chapter 8800.

Each Applicant Must:

  1. Obtain approval from the airport they list on their application to operate on the field.
  2. Get insurance that meets or exceeds the minimum requirements contained in the rules for each endorsement they are requesting.
  3. Make an agreement for maintenance of the aircraft used in the commercial operation with a licensed commercial operator.
  4. Ensure that any aircraft they use are currently registered in Minnesota.
  5. Submit a Commercial Operations License Form with the $30.00 annual license fee and copies of the documents required in steps 1, 2 and 3 above.
  6. Review MnDOT Aeronautics Rules Chapter 8800 for additional information.

Endorsement Requirements:

Commercial Operations Endorsements may require additional items and fees. See the applicable endorsement below for more information.

Aerial Photography:

See General Information.
Commercial Operations Form
MnDOT Aeronautics Rules Chapter 8800.3200

Air Rides:

See General Information.
Commercial Operations Form
MnDOT Aeronautics Rules Chapter 8800.3200

Flight School:

See General Information. In addition, must have an office, maintain records, provide a course curriculum for each course offered, submit a copy of the rules governing the flight school operation, carry the appropriate insurance coverage, and submit a performance bond. Flight schools are required to carry a minimum insurance coverage of $100,000 per person and $500,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage for each aircraft. Students must also be provided a disclosure statement that advises them whether or not they are covered by the commercial operator's insurance coverage and the amounts of any coverage. A copy of the disclosure form must be submitted with initial applications and at each renewal.
Commercial Operations Form
MnDOT Aeronautics Rules Chapter 8800.3300

Ground School:

Ground schools are no longer required to obtain a commercial operators license from this office.

Aircraft Rental:

See General Information. In addition, must maintain records and determine that the person renting the aircraft is qualified to do so. The minimum insurance coverage for each aircraft must be $100,000 per aircraft and $500,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. Renters must also be provided a disclosure statement that advises them whether or not they are covered by the commercial operator's insurance coverage and the amounts of any coverage. A copy of the disclosure form must be submitted with initial applications and at each renewal.
Commercial Operations Form
MnDOT Aeronautics Rules Chapter 8800.3600

Aerial Spraying or Dusting:

See General Information. In addition, must furnish evidence that they have met the MN Department of Agriculture's chemical applicator requirements, have appropriate aircraft and pilot safety equipment, submit a copy of their FAA commercial agricultural aircraft operator certificate, and carry the minimum insurance for each aircraft of $100,000 per person and $300,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and $100,000 for property damage. In addition, products hazard and completed operations insurance must be carried.
Commercial Operations Form
MnDOT Aeronautics Rules Chapter 8800.3800

Aircraft Servicing, Maintaining & Repairing:

See General Information. In addition, must have a building or maintenance facility, fire protection equipment, at least one FAA certificated mechanic and carry the appropriate insurance coverage.
Commercial Operations Form
MnDOT Aeronautics Rules Chapter 8800.3900

Aircraft Dealer:

The fee is $10.00 and is renewed annually. The $10.00 fee does not apply if this is an additional endorsement on a commercial operations license. The applicant must have proper storage for any aircraft and provide us with evidence from the airport owner that he/she has their permission to buy and sell aircraft on that airport. For more information regarding an Aircraft Dealer's license contact Leanne Gaiovnik at or 651-425-1960. To apply for an Aircraft Dealer's License see the Aircraft Dealer's License application. The applicant shall list on aircraft dealer cards all aircraft held for sale and used for demonstration purposes and must submit these cards to us within seven days of any transaction involving buying, selling or brokering of an aircraft. Contact Aircraft Registration at 651-234-7201 for information regarding registering dealer withholding aircraft.
MnDOT Aeronautics Rules Chapter 8800.4800

Flying Club:

"Flying club" means any person other than an individual which neither for profit nor compensation owns, leases or uses one or more aircraft for the purpose of instruction, business or pleasure. Commercial operators that offer discount rental rates sometimes refer to those offers as flying clubs. This type of operation requires a commercial operations license and is not subject to the rules concerning flying clubs.

Flying Clubs do not require a commercial operations license as long as they stay within the restrictions contained in the Minnesota Rules Chapter 8800.4100 through 8800.4600. An individual who owns an aircraft and accepts payment from others in return for their use of that aircraft is a commercial operator and must obtain a commercial operations license for rental/leasing of the aircraft. This does not necessarily make the operation a commercial operator under the definitions of the insurer or other entities. If an individual who owns an aircraft wishes to form a flying club the aircraft must be sold to the flying club. If club has five or more members, each January the club must submit an annual report to this office on a flying club report form furnished by this office. Each club must provide a point of contact and must maintain records of the flying club's operation. Flying Club Annual Report.

If club has five or more members, the club must submit an annual report to this office on a flying club report form furnished by this office. Each club must provide a point of contact and must maintain records of the flying club's operation. Flying Club Annual Report.

Additional Aviation Services:

In addition to the services that require a commercial operator's license, we would like to know about other services that are available at airports in Minnesota. We will make this information available to anyone requesting it and plan to publish the information on our website so that people looking for a particular service can easily find a company that provides that service in Minnesota. As the planning agency for the aviation system in Minnesota this information is also valuable for us as a measure of aviation activity around the state. The information provided will help us in the formation of the Minnesota State Aviation System Plan.

The following services do not require a commercial operator's license from the State of Minnesota, but we would appreciate knowing if you are providing any of these services. If you are a licensed commercial operator you can add these services by checking a box on the license renewal form. For those companies that do not have a commercial operator's license with us, please fill out the commercial operator's license form and use the check boxes on the second page to let us know which services you are providing.

Services include: Air Ambulance, Aircraft Charter, Aircraft Fueling, Aircraft Interiors, Aircraft Painting, Aircraft Restoration, Avionics Shop, Chart Sales, Engine Overhaul, Fixed Base Operator, Floats, Glider Towing, Pilot Refresher Training, Propeller Shop, Transient Hangar.

View a list of the above services.


To use the interactive PDF forms: download the applicable form by clicking on the link, type in all applicable information, print the form, sign and return by mail.

To use the PDF forms: download the applicable form by clicking on the link, print the form, fill in all applicable information, sign and return by mail.

Forms and questions should be directed to:
Leanne Justus