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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Aeronautics and Aviation

Minnesota Navigational Aids

Aerial Photo of an Airport

Minnesota Navigational Aids

MnDOT Aeronautics Automated Weather Observing System
NavAIDS Weather Location App

MnDOT Aeronautics has created an AWOS NavAIDS Weather Location App. The web page link to Minnesota airport locations that have AWOS weather updates from the ANYAWOS website.

When selecting the city name or airplane symbol; the AWOS Minnesota interactive map reveals the most current weather available on the internet. This weather can be viewed by clicking the city name in bookmarks. Next, select the AWOS link to go to ANYAWOS chosen city location. Those AWOS station that does not report their weather to the national network (those airports are unavailable to Flight Service and Internet sources).

For navigation systems support please contact the navigation systems engineers at

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