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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Aeronautics and Aviation

Airport Manager References

King Air Airplane

Airport Manager Resources and Training

MnDOT, Office of Aeronautics takes an active role in assisting airport managers by providing important information and tools to more effectively manage airports.

Airport Minimum Standards

Guidance on developing effective airport minimum standards for aeronautical operations and services at airports.

Airport Lease Agreements

Guidance on developing effective leases for aeronautical operations and services at airports.


The Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) develops near-term, practical solutions to problems faced by airport operators. ACRP hosts webinars and posts documents on airport topics including:

Minnesota Aeronautical Rules and Minnesota Aeronautical Statutes

Every airport, before operating as an airport, must be approved and licensed by the State of Minnesota. All airports must meet the standards set forth in the Minnesota Rules and Statutes.

FAA Grant Assurances and FAA Airport Advisory Circulars

Federally obligated airports, as part of their responsibilities, must comply with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) sponsor grant assurances. Also, select this link for FAA Airport Advisory Circulars.


AirTAP is a statewide assistance program for aviation personnel that offers education and information resources, training programs, technical assistance, access to experts, and printed materials including: