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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Aeronautics and Aviation

Aerial Photo of an Airport


Planning publications

June 2016

MnDOT Aeronautics released its 2016 Aviation Tax Report in June of that year.

July 2013

A Minnesota State Aviation System Plan provides planning tools to assist in decision making to guide development of Minnesota's system of airports and expend State Airport Funds in a cost-effective manner.

September 2006

The Airport Land Use Compatibility Manual (PDF, 11.36 MB) is a comprehensive resource document for airport managers, zoning administrators, and community planners responsible for planning and implementing compatible growth of the community's airport and its neighboring communities.

Historical publications

June 2003

A focus on maximizing existing airport resources at MSP and increasing airline use of perimeter airports near the Twin Cities began the Tier 2 Air Service Study (Technical Report) (PDF, 9.90 MB). The study explores roles and functions of airports that surround the region including: Duluth, Rochester, and St. Cloud, MN, as well as Eau Claire, WI. Since major changes at airports require planning, design, environmental study, community and political consensus, and money, lots of money, it seemed prudent to examine the possible future roles of these airports. An Executive Summary (PDF, 708 KB) and Final Presentation (PDF, 580 KB) are also available.

December 2001

Established to address an apparent decline in air cargo shipped from the MSP airport the Air Cargo Study (PDF, 341 KB) proposes new ways of addressing cargo transport with a view of distribution as an integral part of the regional economic system. An Executive Summary (PDF, 14 KB) is available.

May 16, 1952

President Harry S. Truman appointed the President’s Airport Commission, chaired by General James H. Doolittle to recommend actions to alleviate problems inherent in the location and use of airports. The resulting 116 page report, The Airport and Its Neighbors (PDF, 16.88 MB), provides a series of 25 recommendations detailing possible steps to be taken to minimize nuisance and hazards near airports.