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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Aeronautics and aviation

Statewide Airport Economic Impact Study

Animation of airplane from above with "2019" behind it

The Minnesota Department of Transportation conducted a study of the annual economic impacts generated by 126 of Minnesota’s 133 public airports. In addition to the 126 study airports, there are seven public airports owned by the Metropolitan Airports Commission. The MAC previously completed two economic impact studies and those results were integrated into the 2019 Statewide Airport Economic Impact Study to estimate statewide totals.

Minnesota airports contribute $18.2 billion annually to the state economy.

Summary and detailed reports

  • Executive summary (PDF)
  • Fact sheet (PDF)

  • (by legislative district)
  • Technical report (PDF)
  • Methodology guide (PDF)


An economic impact calculator for the 126 study airports was also developed. The study provides the economic impacts from 2018-19 data for each airport to establish a baseline. Users can run scenarios to estimated economic impacts derived from airport activities.

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