Development History
MnPAVE 7 was compiled using the open source version of Qt 5.7.1 and minGW 5.3 (32 bit). source code
Version 7.104 improvement 11/19/2024
- The flexible preliminary life calculation was adjusted according to design ESALs so it will correspond more closely to the recommended reliability values. A preliminary design life of 20 years now approximates the recommended reliability for all traffic levels.
- Flexible design reliability values for both fatigue and rutting are now included in the report.
- Minor errors in undisturbed soil modulus, early spring frost depth, and traffic growth calculations were corrected.
Version 7.103 improvement 8/22/2024
- Edit boxes for city and traffic speed were added to the main window.
- Button to include traffic forecast number was added.
- Default save names were changed to include the project number when available.
- For rigid designs, the "MEPDG Default" load spectrum was renamed to "Very Heavy".
- Default data was added to the WESLEA simulation when files from older versions are opened.
Version 7.102 improvement 7/30/2024
- For rigid designs, either 12 or 15 foot joint spacing may be selected.
- An error which caused a crash when the second layer was Granular (subbase) was corrected.
- WESLEA simulation for up to 20 loads on the flexible pavement structure was added.
Version 7.101 improvement 6/5/2024
- An error which prevented saved vehicle class percentages from appearing in rigid pavement design was corrected.
- Vehicle class percentages were added to the rigid report.
- Class 6 aggregate was added to rigid pavement design.
Version 7.100 improvement 5/29/2024
- This is the first official MnPAVE 7 version.
- The single lane option for rigid pavements was corrected so a 1-way HCADT value can be used.
- Selection of a county is now required for both flexible and rigid designs.
Version 7.013 improvement
- The executable file was named "mnpave7.exe" so future installations will replace the previous version.
- If you installed mnpave7012Beta.exe, that file can be deleted from C:\Program Files (x86)\MnDOT\mnpave7\.
- Warm-mix asphalt was removed. HMA can be selected for hot-mix and warm-mix asphalt.
- The cold in-place recycling (CIR) selection was simplified.
- The window color was changed to an approved MnDOT color.
- Formatting errors in the flexible report were corrected.
- A typo in aggregate gradation D was corrected.
Version 7.012 improvement
- An error which caused the program to crash with Bit Stabilized FDR or Bit Stabilized Base was corrected.
Version 7.011 improvement
- This is an open source beta version of MnPAVE 7 for flexible and rigid pavement design.
- This version has not been fully calibrated and results should be used for comparison only. Help files are not yet available.
- Files from MnPAVE Flexible versions 6 and earlier are not compatible with this version.
- To save compatible versions of these files, install (or save the executable to your computer) MnPAVE Flexible version 6.502, open the old MnPAVE file and select File...Export mnpave 7 file.
Version 6.503 improvement 3/23/2025
- Batch mode was improved to facilitate large simulations of maximum strain and FWD deflections with csv output.
Version 6.502 improvement
- Fixed an error when entering aggregate modulus values in Intermediat Structure.
- Fixed errors in the Export mnpave 7 file.
Version 6.405 improvement
- Updated the mnpave7 export for new material types.
Version 6.404 improvement
- Corrected an index error in the mnpave7 export.
Version 6.403 improvement
- Added custom axle weight to the mnpave7 export.
Version 6.402 improvement
- Fixed an error with "Other" material modulus in Intermediate Structure.
Version 6.401 improvement
- Fixed an error which prevented opening a MnPAVE file from Windows Explorer.
Version 6.400 improvements
- Fixed errors in aggregate multi-layer calculation.
- Fixed PDF report error when base layer is changed in Output.
- Enabled soil modulus input in Intermediate Structure.
- Enabled Basic Poisson's Ratio and Modulus COV import in Advanced Structure
- Added button to import Intermediate data in Advanced Structure.
- Fixed error message when entering Poisson's Ratio in Advanced mode.
- Added color-coded reliability recommendations in Output.
- Updated the MnDOT logo on the main window.
- Acknowledged Abdul Bahar and Amy Guo in "About MnPAVE..."
The following apply to Research Mode only:
- Save compound traffic growth rate selection in mpv file.
- Include custom binder name in PDF report.
- Advanced Structure Import buttons reset modulus distribution to lognormal.
- Added a prototype geogrid option in aggregate base layers.
Version 6.304 improvements
- Updated default traffic growth rate to 3.2%
- Disabled "Unknown" material selection for Design Mode.
- Fixed a DCP modulus error in Output.
Version 6.303 improvement
- Additional details in PDF report.
Version 6.302 improvements
- Fixed error that prevented changing aggregate type in Output.
- Implemented a system to streamline the creation of project-specific versions of MnPAVE.
- Implemented a new mode to test the load spectra used in the MNTABLE program.
Version 6.301 improvements
- Enabled the use of polymer shift factors for all lifts with polymer-modified binders in multi-lift HMA.
- Corrected an error that causes a crash when changing multi-lift HMA in a pavement with CIR or SFDR.
- Added multi-lift capabilities for Aggregate Base and Subbase layers.
- Added a strain interpolation option for Load Spectrum to reduce calculation time.
- Added Reliability recommendation for over 15 million ESALs.
Version 6.201 improvements
- Fixed error in new rounding function.
- Fixed an error in the PDF Design Summary that sometimes reported incorrect thickness values.
Version 6.202 improvements
- Reversed the heaviest axle weight change so that all pavements are evaluated using the heavy axle weights recorded on Weigh-in-Motion devices. This change is due to reports of frequent over-weight trucks on low-volume roads.
- Added standard deviation input to the R-Value design window.
Version 6.201 improvements
- Fixed error in new rounding function.
- Fixed an error in the PDF Design Summary that sometimes reported incorrect thickness values.
Version 6.200 improvements
- Re-ordered buttons on Control Panel (Traffic before Structure).
- Mohr-Coulomb analysis was modified to evaluate the first granular layer at a constant depth of 6" or the bottom of the layer, whichever is less. The heaviest axle weights were also adjusted to legal loads for < 1,000,000 ESALs.
- Fixed a modulus error that occurred after R-Value was defined for undisturbed soil.
- Fixed an index error for St. Louis, Scott, Sherburne and Sibley Counties.
- Added models to adjust default layer thickness based on traffic.
- Added option to round HMA layer to nearest 0.5 in. following MnDOT rounding procedure.
- In Research Mode: Added Lukanen calculations for Select Granular Adjusted R-Value in the R-Value Design window and Effective Soil R-Value in Output.
Version 6.100 improvements
- 2-layer HMA error in the R-Value module was corrected.
- LWD simulation was added in Research Mode (Advanced Structure window).
Version 6.001 improvements
- New C & Phi values for below optimum moisture Fall, Winter, & Summer) for different base and subase materials were added. Class 5 values for above optimum moisture will continue to be used as a default until further test results can be obtained.
- In Research Mode, the user can now specify evaluation locations in each layer as a percentage of the layer thickness (1 to 100). The original Top-Middle_Bottom format is still available.
Version 6.000 improvements
- Life & Damage variables were adjusted to account for different models in Research mode while avoiding mean value errors from Reliability calculations.
- Enabled copy & paste in Info window.
- Fixed 2-HMA layer radio button in Basic Structure.
- Added Mn/DOT R-Value Design to MnPAVE.
- Simplified the Intermediate Structure window.
- Added CIR, Stabilized FDR & PCC layers with default properties.
- Added 12" fixed depth for rutting analysis (Research Mode).
- Added deflection difference between top & bottom of base (Research Mode).
- Added a PDF report generator to Output.
- Fixed Output report error that occurred after calculating Quick Reliability.
- Moved Load Spectrum Traffic to in Research Mode.
- Fixed MC damage index error in Output Research Mode (for custom models).
- Fixed Maximum Strain output in Batch Mode (Research Mode).
- Developed polymer shift factors for polymer-modified asphalts.
- Removed 58-28 binder warning.
- Fixed Spring2 & Summer modulus error for Other materials.
Version 5.306 improvements
- An error that caused multiple lifts in the HMA edit window to be combined into a single lift was corrected.
Version 5.305 improvements
- An error caused by material properties in unselected layers was corrected.
- Basic and Batch Mode data export errors were corrected.
- In Research Mode, an option to use mean thickness and modulus values (not adjusted for Confidence Level) was added.
Version 5.304 improvements
- In Standard Mode the Confidence Level has a default value of 70%. Confidence Level can only be changed in Research Mode.
- A Monte Carlo data export error was corrected.
Version 5.303 improvements
- Asphalt binder selections were updated to include the letter designations used in the Mn/DOT 2360 specification.
- Intermediate Structure was updated to allow changes to Poisson's Ratio.
Version 5.302 improvements
- Corrected an error in the report printout that caused results based on a 50% confidence level rather than the confidence level selected by the user to be displayed after running a Monte Carlo simulation.
Version 5.301 improvements
- Monte Carlo results are now saved with the MnPAVE file and printed in the report.
- The Confidence Level and Reliability topics in the Help files were updated with recommendations to use Monte Carlo simulation as a guide to designing structures with the desired level of reliability.
- Pore suction resistance factors were implemented in the seasonal multipliers for aggregate base, subbase, and subgrade soil materials. Custom resistance factors can now be entered in Intermediate Structure.
Version 5.300 improvements
- The rutting coefficient KR1 was changed from 0.0199 to 0.0261 based on rutting data collected on County State Aid Highways (CSAH) in 2006.
- The fatigue and rutting models were validated using data from CSAH and Minnesota trunk highways.
- A new soil modulus model based on silt and clay content was implemented.
- A function that determines the triaxial textural soil classification based on silt and clay content was implemented.
- Two reliability methods were implemented:
a. Layer thickness and modulus adjustment: The values used to simulate the pavement are reduced according to the level of confidence (50-99%), the mean and coefficient of variation (COV) and distribution type.
b. Monte Carlo simulation: 2500 simulations are run using thickness and modulus values that are varied randomly within their respective distributions. The reliability is defined as the percentage of simulations that meet or exceed the design life.
Version 5.211 improvements
- The Serialize function was edited to update the dynamic modulus coefficients saved in versions prior to 5.210.
- The pixel/latitude calculation in the Climate map was adjusted to minimize errors.
Version 5.210 improvements
- The HMA dynamic modulus equation and the a0 coefficients were adjusted to calculate E* in psi rather than 10^5 psi.
- The printed summary in Output was modified to indicate the current version of MnPAVE.
- An error was corrected in th he time field in the FWD data window in Structure (Intermediate Overlay Design).
- A prototype "Soil Class" view was implemented in "Climate" This view is based on a the Minnesota Soil Atlas developed by the University of Minnesota Department of Soil, Water and Climate, and the Land Management Information Center.
Version 5.209 improvements
- An error in the TONN calculation for mill and overlay designs was corrected.
Version 5.208 improvements
- The function that estimates AADT from ESALs in the TONN overlay procedure was revised to include the new ESAL calculation.
Version 5.207 improvements
- The ESAL calculation in Load Spectrum was revised to include steer axles, using the dual tire LEF.
Version 5.206 improvements
- The option to simulate FWD deflections was added to Output...Batch Mode (Research Mode only).
- The overlay design procedure was updated according to the new MnDOT TONN procedure.
Version 5.205 improvements
- The thickness warnings for HMA and aggregate base were expanded to comply with Mn/DOT's R-Value design chart.
Version 5.204 improvements
- The Mohr-Coulomb analysis was modified to more accurately predict aggregate base stress failure under a thin HMA layer. Previous versions used maximum principal stress (sigma 1) as the criterion for selecting the worst loading condition because the critical stress (sigma C) changed very little under typical loading conditions. However, a heavy load on a thin HMA pavement can elevate the critical stress as well as sigma 1, making the difference between sigma 1 and sigma C a more accurate criterion.
Version 5.203 improvements
- Basic load spectrum has been added, based on data from several Weigh-in-Motion around Minnesota. A load spectrum can be estimated by inputting AADT and selecting a route type.
- Structure dependency was removed from the MnPAVE fatigue transfer function.
- For Intermediate overlay design, the Allowable Spring Deflections used in the TONN method are read directly from the table rather than interpolated to keep the results consistent with the existing TONN method.
- Several improvements to the overall appearance of the program were made.
Version 5.107 improvements
- A test version of the load spectrum calculator is operational in "Intermediate Spectrum". The user inputs AADT and vehicle type information, and MnPAVE calculates an estimated load spectrum using data from the weigh-in-motion device at Mn/ROAD.
- In Research Mode, an additional rutting model has been implemented. It is based on a rut depth model developed by H.B. Kim (Transportation Research Record 1730, pp. 99-109). This model applies only to ESAL traffic. The output appears at the bottom of the "Reliability" page.
Version 5.105 improvements
- Quick reliability results are available in Research mode. This eliminates the need for lengthy Monte Carlo simulations for every design trial. Monte Carlo simulation should be run for verification on the final design.
Version 5.104 improvements
- The "2 HMA Layers" default pavement selection now results in a single HMA layer with 2 lifts.
- Lock-up errors associated with multiple HMA layers have been corrected.
- In Structure, Intermediate test values can now be entered for undisturbed soil if there is no engineered soil. The resulting design moduli are half of the corresponding engineered soil moduli.
- The English unit for modulus values was changed from psi to ksi to reduce keystrokes.
Version 5.103 improvements
- A few more changes in input format (kips instead of pounds to reduce keystrokes, etc.)
- Error in District 1 county selection was corrected.
- Research Mode errors in "View other output" and Monte Carlo reliability were corrected.
Version 5.102 improvements
- Aggregate and soil tests selected in Intermediate Structure are displayed in Output.
- Traffic is entered in millions ("4200000" ESALs is now entered as "4.2" million ESALs).
Version 5.101 improvements
- Expanded help file.
- A compatibility problem with Windows 95 was corrected.
Programming Acknowledgments
WESLEA (wes5)
Frans J. Van Cauwelaert
Don R. Alexander
Thomas D. White
Walter R. Barker
Bjorn Birgisson
Embedded Property Sheets
Eugene Kain
File Export Dialog (CFileExportDialog)
Anneke Sicherer-Roetman
Hyperlink (CHyperlink)
Giancarlo Iovino
Chris Maunder
Image Tool Tips
Paul DiLascia
MFC Grid Control (CGridCtrl)
Chris Maunder
Printing Class Library
Richard Stringer
Round to Decimal
Corey Spagnoli