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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Bridges and Structures

Design, construction and maintenance resources


Bridge Construction Manual

Bridge Construction Manual (PDF format) Updated
Download entire manual June 2011
Section number and description (PDF format) Updated
Forward November 2005
Index November 2005
000 General November 2005
050 Surveying and Staking November 2005
100 Foundations November 2005
150 Pile Driving November 2006
200 Falsework and Forms June 2011
250 Metal Reinforcement November 2005
300 Concrete November 2005
350 Concrete Bridge Construction November 2005
400 Steel Bridge Construction November 2005
450 Surface Preparation and Painting Structural Steel November 2005
500 Timber Construction November 2005
550 Construction on Railroad Right of Way November 2005
600 Conduit systems November 2005
650 Quality Control November 2005
700 Glossary November 2005
Transmittal Letters Updated
150 Pile Driving January 2006
Bridge Construction Manual January 2005