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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Bridges and Structures

Design, construction and maintenance resources

Do It Right! Lessons from the field not to be repeated


  • Insure that the waterproofing membrane is in full contact with and bonded to the concrete.
  • Push membrane tight into corners to eliminate any air bubbles under the waterproofing.
  • Make sure all voids over 3/8” are filled before they backfill.
  • Remove and repair concrete with porosity or honeycomb as approved by the Engineer.
  • Even if the plans only call for the surface to
    be painted (no SSF), surface cavities over 3/8” must be filled with mortar before painting.
  • Remove and repair concrete with porosity or honeycomb as approved by the Engineer.
  • Fill cavities with mortar before waterproofing and backfilling the structure.
  • After forms are removed, examine the
    concrete surface for defects.
  • Remove thin mortar film from surface before filling cavities with mortar as specified.
  • Cure work as approved by the Engineer.
  • Before backfilling abutments or retaining walls, make sure that surface cavities are filled and waterproofing has been installed correctly.
  • Backfill using clean sand, not garbage and concrete debris.