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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Bridges and Structures

Design, construction and maintenance resources

Do It Right! Lessons from the field not to be repeated

Sub structure

Sub structure
  • The excavation for this footing is a little too steep.
  • When they drove pile here, the bank was still frozen, but now sand slides are taking place.
Sub structure
  • Make sure that the anchor rods only project one-and-a-half inches above the bearing plate!
Sub structure
  • Make sure that all fins and projections are removed prior to installing waterproofing membrane.
  • Make sure that waterproofing membrane is installed tight to concrete surface, fits well in corners and doesn’t have air bubbles under it. Also make sure unformed surface on top of all pours is finished. And clean the bars!
Sub structure
  • Don’t let them bury debris behind the abutment, and make sure the waterproofing is installed correctly.
Sub structure
  • Looks like we’re going to get some extra special texture . . . for free!
  • I’m not sure why they put the chair in backwards.
Sub structure
  • The dowels in a doweled joint should all be parallel and in the same line!
Sub structure

This is a form of graffiti . . . not a form of CURE!

Apply AMS curing compound with an approved power operated spray equipment.

Provide a uniform, solid white, opaque coverage on exposed concrete surfaces.

Sub structure
  • How will they install the drainage system? Get the construction joints waterproofed?
  • How can they get one foot lifts now?
  • How will they ever get density?
Sub structure
  • Make sure perforated pipe with geotextile sock doesn’t get muddy, and backfill using only clean sand, no polystyrene or garbage!
Sub structure
  • Make sure the perforated pipe on the drainage system is not damaged when the structure is backfilled.
  • If it is, the backfilled material will end up migrating out from behind the structure!
Sub structure
  • “Wetland mitigation” — this is due to failure of the sock‐covered perforated pipe to stay attached to drainpipes through the structure during backfilling operations.