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Project Data Management Section-CADD Unit

Bentley Systems, Inc.-based CADD Standards and Bentley ProjectWise Access/Support

CADD resources and data standards


This site is an access point to MnDOT’s agency wide Bentley Systems Inc. based CADD resources and information for using MnDOT’s Bentley ProjectWise system to access project data.  Starting in June 2023 MnDOT CADD  standard resources are available in Bentley formatted workspaces and resources

  • Power GEOPAK V8i SS10
  • CONNECT Edition OpenRoads Designer  

In calendar year 2023, MnDOT is migrating from PowerGEOPAK to CONNECT Edition OpenRoads Designer as the agency CADD Standard for starting projects. Consultant partners are directed to their MnDOT contract and its project manager regarding which CADD Standard applies to specific deliverables. Use of these standard workspaces allows designers to create CADD documents that adhere to MnDOT publication standards for engineering plans. The ProjectWise system may only be accessed by MnDOT staff and external partners who have obtained an access authorization from their MnDOT Project Manager.

Bentley, Bentley Power GEOPAK, Bentley ProjectWise and Bentley CONNECT Edition OpenRoads are trademarks of Bentley Systems Incorporated and are used here for specificity and clarification only. Microsoft and Microsoft Internet Explorer are trademarks of Microsoft Inc. and used only for specificity and clarification.

Access to the information and resources under this site are subject to acceptance of the MnDOT CADD Data Standards Disclaimer. Be aware of your responsibility regarding the quality of the data on this site.

CADD resources - Bentley V8i SS10

This site provides access to MnDOT’s agency wide CADD resources. They are in the agency standard Bentley Power GEOPAK format. Use of these files allows designers to create CADD documents that adhere to MnDOT publication standards for engineering plans.

Power GEOPAK V8i SS10 CADD Data Standards

  • CADD data standards (PDF): This file contains MnDOT Standards such as level, linestyle, text etc. (Last update: Feb. 16, 2016)
  • MnDOT CADD Standards (ZIP): Power GEOPAK file format cells, fonts, line styles, seed files, dgnlibs, etc. for download. (Last update: Aug. 7, 2022)

CADD resources – Bentley CONNECT Edition

This site provides access to MnDOT’s agency wide CADD resources. They are in the agency standard Bentley CONNECT Edition OpenRoads Designer (ORD)  format. Use of these files allows designers to create CAD documents that adhere to MnDOT publication standards for engineering plans.

Bentley CONNECT Edition CADD Data Standards