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Minnesota Department of Transportation

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Civil Rights

Ensuring equal opportunity for all businesses and personnel on our projects

Collaborative and subcommittees

DBE and Workforce Collaborative

The DBE and Workforce Collaborative is an advisory group of stakeholders from industry groups interested in DBE and workforce diversity.

The Collaborative’s goal is to increase the diversity of firms and the participation of people of color and women in the construction industry to reflect the demographics of the State of Minnesota by:

  • Building the future workforce,
  • Expanding existing business and workforce skills,
  • Ensuring transparency, and
  • Connecting people and firms with each other.

The Collaborative is an open group and welcomes the participation of all who support the goal. Any committed organization or individual may take part by attending meetings.

Participants include:

  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
  • Workforce developers and advocates
  • Training program representatives
  • Unions
  • General contractors and sub-contractors
  • Employment and business advocates
  • Non-union workforce representatives and contractors
  • Community-based organizations
  • MnDOT – Civil Rights and other divisions

There are no membership requirements and anyone who attends a meeting is encouraged to participate in the discussions that are occurring. Individuals are expected to voluntarily adhere to the Collaborative’s Group Norms and Guidelines (PDF) to ensure that business is conducted in a collaborative, civil, and productive manner.

The Collaborative is a place where people can learn from one another about business opportunities and challenges, assess industry needs, and develop solutions. Any organization or individual committed to the Collaborative’s goal or who has ideas or suggestions for improvement may benefit from being a part of the group or participating in one of the subcommittees.

The Collaborative may address any current topic that is important to DBE participation or workforce diversity in the highway heavy construction industry. Examples of topics include:

  • Respectful workplace guidance
  • On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program
  • Workforce and DBE goals
  • Demonstration of DBE participation at time of letting
  • Guidelines for sanctions on DBE compliance
  • How trucking is counted toward DBE participation
  • DBE and workforce programs to test on Target Projects
  • Future legislation needs related to DBE, TGB, and workforce diversity
  • Training programs
  • MnDOT Special Provisions relating to small business programs
  • MnDOT Working Capital Loan Fund
  • DBE Mentor-Protégé Program

The Collaborative has subcommittees that focus on specific areas or projects. Visit the various subcommittee pages for more information.

The Collaborative was first formed in 2008 by MnDOT Commissioner Tom Sorel to address community concerns about high unemployment rates and the lack of DBE participation and workforce diversity in highway heavy construction. The Collaborative was codified under Minnesota Statute 174.186 in 2010 and has been active since then.

Some of the programs and work the Collaborative has accomplished since 2010 include:

  • DBE and workforce goals are now established, tracked by MnDOT, and monitored through the Results and Transparency Committee.
  • MnDOT manages the On-the-Job Training Program and reports on it periodically to the Collaborative.
  • Two training partnerships were established (1) between the Laborers Union and Minneapolis Urban League and (2) between the 49ers Union and Summit Academy.
  • A Working Capital Loan Fund has been established to help DBEs handle cash flow requirements on MnDOT contracts.
  • Changes were made in bid expectations for DBE and good faith efforts.
  • MnDOT established and tested mandated sub-contracting and de-bundling. The Collaborative evaluates these practices through Target Projects.
  • MnDOT established the Small Business Resource Center to provide assistance and increase the skills and capacity of DBE firms.
  • MnDOT established respectful workplace guidance and training based on work by the Worksite Collaboration Committee.