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Civil Rights

Ensuring equal opportunity for all businesses and personnel on our projects


Final Clearance Report

We're updating the data for this report. We expect the report will be available for your use on Aug. 15, 2024.

About the Final Clearance Report

Use the Final Clearance Report to learn about small business goals and achievements. Interact with final contract clearance data related to civil rights. All data displayed is collected when the Office of Civil Rights closes the project.

Report pages

Use the buttons at the top right to navigate between the two report pages.

  • DBE Final Clearance: Displays DBE goals and achievements on closed contracts.
  • TGB & Vet Final Clearance: Displays TGB & Vet goals and achievements on closed contracts.


Use the filters on the left to sort the data on the report page.


Left graphs
  • Contract Goals Met - This will show the number and percentage of contracts where contractors met (Yes) or did not meet (No) the contract goal at the end of the contract.
  • Contract Commitment Met – This will show the number and percentage of contracts where contractors met (Yes) or did not meet (No) the contract commitments at the end of the contract. Contract Commitment is the total participation the prime contractor commits to meeting the goal for purposes of award, which may exceed the original goal.  Therefore, a project can meet the assigned goal on the contract, but possibly fall short of the Contract Commitment.
    • Reasons for DBE/TGB/Vet commitment shortfalls: contract under-ran estimates, change in contract or scope, final contract cost exceeded estimates, DBE/TGB/Vet not available to perform, and/or DBE/TGB/Vet dropped or replaced.
Right graphs
  • Contract Goals and Achievement – This bar graph shows the individual contract achievement and goal. The default on the TGB & Vet Final Clearance will display TGB goals and Achievement. Use the filter button to select Vet.
  • Average Goal & Achievement – This gauge graph shows the average goal (thin blue line) and average achievement based on the filters selected. The graph filters out contracts that had a 0% goal. So, when selecting an individual contract, the graph will not show any data if the goal is 0% (displays “Blank”).

Viewing tools

  • Full screen mode: Full screen mode expands the report to fill the entire screen.
    • To open the report in full screen mode, select the full screen icon (i.e., the two-way diagonal arrow) at the bottom right of the report.
    • To exit full screen mode, click the X or press Esc.
  • Tooltips: Tooltip messages provide additional information when the cursor hovers over a graph.
    • To view tooltip messages, hover your cursor over various parts of a graph.
  • Focus mode: Focus mode enlarges the section to a full screen view.
    • To open focus mode, hover your cursor over or click on a report visual and select the focus mode icon (i.e., the box with an arrow pointing up and to the right).
    • To exit focus mode, click the “Back to Report” button or press Esc.
  • Show as table: Show as a table expands and converts the report visual into a data table.
    • To open show as a table, right click on the visual and select “Show as a table.”

  • DBE: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
  • TGB: Targeted Group Business
  • VET: Veteran-owned Small Business
  • Race/Gender-Neutral (RGN): These contracts have no (0%) DBE goals. Any participation on the contract performed by a DBE certified subcontractor is considered race and gender-neutral participation.
  • Commitment: a contractor’s committed percentage of subcontracted dollars to DBE, TGB, or Vet firms.
  • Goal: DBE, TGB, or Vet goal set by MnDOT Office of Civil Rights that is expressed as a percentage of total subcontract dollars to certified firms.
  • Achieved %: Total percentage of subcontract dollars paid to DBE, TGB, or Vet firms at the time of Civil Rights final clearance.
  • Final Contract Amount: contract value of a project
  • MnDOT District: MnDOT-assigned region
  • Prime Contractor: name of the contractor awarded the project and whose performance toward the contract goal is measured in the report.
  • SP Number: MnDOT-assigned state project number
    • MnDOT project number format: XXXX-XX or XXXX-XXX
    • State Aid project number format: XXX-XXX-XXX

If you use assistive technology such as a screen reader or rely on keyboard-only access, use the following guidance and shortcuts to improve report interaction:

  • Enter report: To enter and interact with the report, tab to the report and press:
    • Windows: Ctrl + Enter
    • Mac: Command + Return
  • Keyboard shortcuts list: For a list of available keyboard shortcuts, enter the report and press:
    • ? (Shift + /)
  • Page navigation: To move between report pages, press:
    • Windows: Ctrl + F6
    • Mac: Command + F6
  • Section navigation:
    • Use tab or arrow keys to move between sections on a report page.
    • Press Enter to enter a section.
    • Press Enter or Space bar to select and unselect a data point, then use tab or arrow keys to move between data points.
    • Press Esc to exit the section.
  • Focus mode: Focus mode enlarges the section to a full screen view. To enter focus mode, tab to the section and press:
    • Windows: Alt + Shift + F10 then tab to focus mode and press Enter
    • Mac: Option + Shift + F10 then tab to focus mode and press Enter
  • Show as a table: The show as a table feature makes a report section screen reader friendly. To show as a table, tab to the section and press:
    • Windows: Alt + Shift + F11
    • Mac: Option + Shift + F11
  • Focus mode and show as a table navigation:
    • Use tab or arrow keys to move between the sections in focus mode and table sections.
    • Press Enter or Space bar to interact with the data points, then use tab or arrow keys to move between data points.
    • Press Esc to stop interacting with elements.

For more information, visit Consume Power BI reports using accessibility features