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Civil Rights

Ensuring equal opportunity for all businesses and personnel on our projects

Small business programs

Find a certified small business

Federally funded projects

Certified DBE firms can receive credit towards DBE goals as a subcontractor, supplier or service provider. A DBE must be currently certified in the scope it is performing on the project for its participation to be counted toward meeting the contract goal.

How to Locate a DBE

The MnUCP DBE Directory is a searchable listing of all currently certified DBEs eligible to perform work under the Minnesota DBE program. Search by state, city, vendor, NAICS codes and more. A firm’s listing in the MNUCP DBE Directory is proof of their active certification. The directory is updated on a biweekly basis.

State-funded projects

Certified TGB firms can receive credit toward TGB goals as a subcontractor, supplier or service provider and certified Vet firms can receive credit toward Vet goals as a subcontractor, supplier or service provider. If a company is certified as a TGB and Vet firm, it can receive credit toward the TGB goal or the Vet goal, but not both for the same scope of work.

TGB or Vet firms

Certified TGB firms are listed in the Department of Administration’s directory. Vet firms are listed in the Department of Administration’s directory, or the Vendor Information Pages from the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs. Vet firms may be listed in one or both directories below; please search both directories to identify all eligible firms.

Certified small business ArcGIS map

The certified small businesses map indicates the location of certified small businesses and workforce centers near project sites. If using the ArcGIS Map for your project, it is critical to cross-reference the DBE directory to verify eligible firms.