Climate Change Mitigation

The Next Generation Energy Act of 2007 set a goal of reducing statewide greenhouse gas emissions across all sectors, including transportation, to at least 15 percent below 2005 levels by 2015, 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2025, and 80 percent below 2005 levels by 2050.
Sustainability Report
MnDOT's 2016 Sustainability Report outlines the agency's current sustainability efforts and performance targets. It will be used to support decision-making, agency sustainability goals, performance measures, and reporting. The report will be updated annually by the MnDOT Sustainable Transportation Steering Committee.
Climate Solutions and Economic Opportunities (CESEO)
In 2015, MnDOT and other state agencies participated in a process to provide opportunities for stakeholders to share ideas, information, and perspectives to inform near-term actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The result of the project is a report that provides the foundation for state climate planning. While the State of Minnesota missed its 2015 greenhouse gas emissions targets, CESEO identifies bold actions state agencies, including MnDOT, can take to help achieve statewide greenhouse gas emissions targets for 2025. Read the full report.

Minnesota Climate Change Advisory Group
The Minnesota Climate Change Advisory Group's purpose is to evaluate and compile policy options that would aggressively reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Minnesota during the years to come. MCCAG group members are appointed by the Governor and bring a diverse array of perspectives from a variety of sectors. More information can be found on the Minnesota Climate Change Advisory Group's webpage.
The 2012 Report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Minnesota contains information on greenhouse gas emissions by sector, including transportation.