Advanced Flexibility in Design Workshop
May 5-7, 2010
Advanced Flexibility in Design Workshop was a 2½ -day workshop designed for transportation planners and engineers by the University of Minnesota Center for Transportation Studies for the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
- Introduction (195 KB PDF)
- Session 1: CSS Overview (311 KB PDF)
- Session 1: Detroit Lakes Case Study (358 KB PDF)
- Session 1: Lake Street Case Study (1.27 MB PDF)
- Session 2: Why Design Flexibility? (1.55 MB PDF)
- Session 3: Risk Management and Safety (1.5 MB PDF)
- Session 4: Using Traffic Data (1.12 MB PDF)
- Session 5: Accommodating All Modes (1.94 MB PDF)
- Session 6: Selecting Design Speed (1.34 MB PDF)
- Session 7: Allocating Space in Constrained Rights-of-Way (2.37 MB PDF)
- Session 8: Horizontal Alignments and Horizontal-Vertical Coordination (1.58 MB PDF)
- Session 9: Sight Distance and Vertical Alignments (862 KB PDF)
- Session 10: Minimizing Construction Impacts (700 KB PDF)
- Session 11: Freeways and Interchanges (4.26 MB PDF)
Toolbox of resources
- Training, Services and Resources (78 KB PDF)
- Formal Design Exceptions (66 KB PDF)