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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

I-35 pedestrian bridge

St. Louis County

About this project

A rendering of the pedestrian bridge over I-35/Mesaba Avenue interchange.

Click image for full-size image

Summary of work

Replace the pedestrian bridge over the I-35/Mesaba Avenue interchange in Duluth.

Traffic Impacts

  • Lanes of I-35 will be closed intermittently for bridge work above the interstate.

Public meeting

MnDOT held a public meeting on Aug. 9, 2023, in the Lincoln Park Community Center to discuss the pedestrian bridge project. MnDOT gathered information on concerns with the existing bridge. A visual quality committee has been formed and meets regularly to determine elements of the bridge aesthetics. Once there is a general consensus, MnDOT will host a second public meeting to gather feedback. At that time, materials will also be posted to this website to view when convenient.