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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 371 Urban Reconstruct


About the project

Map of project limits
Hwy 371 construction will take place in 2025

The Minnesota Department of Transportation will be reconstructing Highway 371 in Hackensack from CR 5 to CR 40. This project is scheduled for 2025.

Open House

MnDOT project staff will host an open house on Thursday, April 3, 4 - 6 p.m. at the Hackensack Community Center, 310 Lake Ave. E., Hackensack, to share information about the Highway 371 Hackensack construction in 2025.

Attendees will find out more about the project schedule, traffic impacts and alternative routes to use during construction. Project staff will be available to provide information about the project and answer questions. There will be no formal presentation, and attendees are welcome to arrive anytime during the meeting.

Key project elements

  • Resurfacing Highway 371 in Hackensack between County Road 5 and County Road 40
  • Reconfigure the urban portion to a 3-lane section (adding a center turn lane) with parallel parking on both sid
  • Construct 6-foot sidewalks with curb and gutter on each side throughout the downtown area
  • Reconstruct the CR 5 intersection with a roundabout

Traffic impacts

Map of project detours
Planned detour for the Hwy 371 construction project

Need for project

  • Improve the safety of Highway 371 for residents, businesses, motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists
  • Improve the safety of the County Road 5 intersection
  • Effectively reduce motorist speeds
  • Improve sidewalk and pedestrian facilities
  • Improve underground utilities and drainage


MnDOT and its partners have committed to work with the Hackensack community to ensure that the community’s concerns and aspirations are directly reflected in the alternatives developed as part of the Highway 371 Study and to provide feedback on how the community influenced recommendations and decisions.

map of highway 371 project limits

The corridor improvement vision on Highway 371 in Hackensack includes a roundabout at County Road 5