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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 210—Motley to Pillager

Morrison and Cass counties

About this project

Resurface and improve 8.5 miles of Hwy 210 from Hwy 10 in Motley to River St. (S Cass Co. Rd. 1) in Pillager; includes roundabout in Pillager. Work is scheduled for 2027.

Pillager, Cass County.
Work in Pillager, Cass County. Select image to enlarge

Summary of work


  • Construct a single-lane roundabout at the intersection of Hwy 210, River St. (S Cass Co. Rd. 1) and 37th Ave.

Motley to Pillager

  • Resurface road (asphalt), includes shoulders and turn lanes
  • Replace box culvert east of 49th Ave. SW
  • Restripe eastbound Hwy 210 to make left turn-lane to northbound Hwy 64

Layout concepts

August 2024

Note: CADD design layouts with aerial images. Layouts subject to change as we develop this project.

Future impacts

More details to become available once closer to construction

  • Expect lane or shoulder closures, alternate one-way traffic with flaggers or detours
  • Local access will be maintained to those who live, work or visit those along Hwy 210; however, expect changes
Hwy 210 Motley to Pillager project map
Work between Motley and Pillager. Select map to enlarge