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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 10/75


Project details

Project area map (PDF)

In 2027, the Minnesota Department of Transportation will resurface and upgrade sidewalks on Highway 75 in Moorhead from Main Avenue to 24th Avenue, and perform a slurry seal (a preventative maintenance method, similar to seal coating) on Highway 10 from the Red River to 10th Street.

Re-striping pilot project on Highway 10

Once the slurry seal is completed, Highway 10 from the Red River to Highway 75/Eighth Street will be restriped to a three-lane section. This will serve as a pilot project to allow MnDOT, MetroCOG and the City of Moorhead to review the impacts and changes to traffic flow and mobility with the new underpass at 11th Street.

During the 2022 demonstration project, this section was tested as a three lane using delineators and cones to direct traffic. At that time, Center Avenue was closed for road work and the 11th Street underpass was not yet constructed. The pilot project in 2027 will allow us to better evaluate how this section would operate as a three lane under more typical traffic patterns.

Key project elements

  • Resurface Hwy 75/Eighth Street
  • Slurry seal on Hwy 10
  • Storm sewer replacements
  • Sidewalk improvements on Hwy 75/Eighth Street
  • Signal upgrades

Project impacts

  • Construction impacts (detours, closures & delays)
  • Environmental, school and business impacts

Planning study

Visit the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments' (Metro COG) project website to learn more about the corridor study completed by Metro COG, in partnership with MnDOT, the City of Moorhead and several other local agencies.

This study looked at balancing the needs of motorized and non-motorized traffic with business access. It also considered the changes on Main Avenue in downtown Fargo and what it means for traffic traveling across the Red River through downtown Moorhead. Community and stakeholder input were key in informing the future visions for the corridors.