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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 52

Chatfield to Fountain

April 2024 meeting materials

In 2027, MnDOT will resurface Hwy 52 and replace box culverts. The work includes resurfacing north and southbound lanes, replacing box culverts, removing one box culvert and minor repairs to bridges over the Root River and Rice Creek.

As of spring 2024, the team has identified several project goals:

  • Resurface the roadway
  • Repair or replace aging culverts and remove one culvert
  • Perform work to help extend the life of bridges over the Root River and Rice Creek
  • Improve sightlines for vehicles entering Hwy 52 from Fillmore Co. Rd. 8
  • Update guardrail where needed
  • Identify improvements for bicyclists and pedestrians

The team is also investigating turning safety and potential turn lanes.

Review the project map and provide your comments via the comments tab by May 14, 2024. Please indicate any safety concerns or areas you believe need attention. The team will use comments gathered and other informaiton to develop the project.