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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Erosion Control and Stormwater Management

Certified/approved vendors

Seed and salt-tolerant sod for MnDOT projects must come from one of the vendors on the approved vendor list. These vendors have agreed to go through a third-party review process to verify that their products meet MnDOT specs.


MnDOT certified Type 3 mulch (MnDOT Spec. 3882.1) shall consist of clean grain straw (i.e. oats, wheat) that is certified by the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association (MCIA) to be noxious weed free. All mulch bales shall be in an air dried condition at the time of delivery and shall have an MCIA inspection tag attached indicating that the mulch has passed inspection. Note that MnDOT Type 3 mulch shall consist of certified oats or wheat only. Other mulch types such as cereal rye, introduced pasture grasses, legumes, hay, etc. are not acceptable as Type 3 mulch. Proper storage on Project site is required to keep it dry and free from rotting. Certified Rye, Barley, Bean and Native Grass mulch may be accepted on a case by case basis. Acceptance must be through the Office of Environmental Stewardship Erosion and Stormwater Management Unit. 


All seed used on MnDOT projects must come from an approved vendor. A MnDOT Approved Seed Vendor tag must be attached to each bag of seed arriving on a MnDOT project. 

  • Seed vendors - Minnesota Crop Improvement Association (MCIA)

Salt-tolerant sod

Salt-tolerant sod must come from a vendor on the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association’s (MCIA) Quality Assured Sod Producer list.  A sod quality assurance certificate from the MCIA must accompany each delivery of salt-tolerant sod.

Example of Certificate SOD QA

Prequalification contracts

The following contracts are available for members of the Cooperative Purchasing Venture (CPV) through the Minnesota Department of Administration. The CPV is available to state agencies, local units of government, school districts, and several categories of non-profits, charitable organizations, and other entities. Users of these contracts can hire services or purchase materials without having to go through the competitive bidding process, as this has all been handled up-front. Note: Agencies, local governments, and other entities must be members of the CPV to use these contracts. Many entities are already members.

S-915(5) Service: Native Seed Blending

This is a contract with multiple vendors to provide native state seed mixes as well as custom mixes for use in restoration projects, storm water management and conservation best practices, and permanent erosion control.

S-910(5) Product/Service: Native Plant Materials and Native Plant Community Restoration

This is a contract with numerous vendors around MN to provide native plant materials and ecological restoration services. These materials/services are intended for use in restoration projects, storm water management and conservation best practices, and permanent erosion control. Plant vendors under this contract offer local ecotype materials. Services provided under this contract include planting, seeding, mowing, herbicide application, brush control, prescribed fire, and several others.

P-841(5) Plant Stock: Trees, Shrubs, Vines, Forbs, Grasses, Rushes, Sedges and Related Items

This is a contract with multiple vendors to provide plant materials for landscaping projects. The plant materials available are of landscape quality and include cultivars and non-native species as well as a few native species that are not necessarily of a local ecotype.