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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Noise Analysis

Greater Minnesota Standalone Noise Barrier Program

The Greater Minnesota Standalone Noise Barrier Program was recommended by the Office of the Legislative Auditor who stated that “MnDOT should create a pathway for communities outside of the metropolitan area to become eligible for state-funded noise barrier projects.”

Future applications will be accepted annually from Oct. 1 through Dec. 31. Projects will then be selected before June of the following calendar year. Selected projects will generally take about three years to design and construct from the time of selection.

Where the Greater Minnesota Program applies

All of the following are required for a location to be eligible for the program:

  • Adjacent to a limited access Freeway, Expressway, or Interstate
  • Currently approaches or exceeds FHWA Noise Abatement Criteria (NAC)
  • Homes constructed prior to 1997 (date of legislation)
  • Does not require a right-of-way purchase
  • The proposed area must not be adjacent to a future Type I project identified in the 10-year work plan or other projects where MnDOT funding will be used.

City/township requirements

  • Local authorities must agree to contribute 10% of the total cost of the construction (as noted in the agreement). In addition, local authorities will also be responsible for the construction contract costs, which is typically 8% of the local authority’s share of the construction costs. (Example: local authority’s total project cost is $100,000, then $100,000 X 8% = $8,000 additional project contract costs)
  • Formal application from the city/township
  • Resolution of support from city council
  • Maintenance on the residential side of the noise barrier

Performed by MnDOT

  • Accept and score/rank applications
  • Conduct a preliminary and final noise analysis based on traffic volumes, density of homes, and cost
  • Notify Districts and applicants of proposed projects

Performed by MnDOT District Office

  • Preliminary and final design for the noise barrier
  • Construction contract administration
  • Maintenance, as defined in MnDOT’s cost participation policy


Peter Wasko
Environmental Modeling and Testing Unit Chief