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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Traffic Management

Traffic Management

Designing intelligent transportation systems (ITS)

The image above show examples of common Traffic Management System equipment such as Camaras, vehicle detection equipment, tolling equipment readers, road closure gates, dynamic message signs showing messages and tolling rates, ramp meters and photos of police and maintenance workers. which communicates with the RTMC
An example of a dynamic message signs displaying information messages

Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) is electronics, communications, or information processing systems or services used singly or in combination to improve the safety and efficiency of the surface transportation system.

Design manual

Sample plan

Special Provisions

Detail sheets

The files are in DGN format, intended only for use with Microstation™. Contact Michael Manning if you require different files formats.

DGN files PDF files
Buried cable/fiber optic vault marker posts (DGN) Buried cable/fiber optic vault marker posts (PDF)
Cable fiber slack installation (DGN) Cable fiber slack installation (PDF)
CCTV pole installation (DGN) CCTV pole installation (PDF)
Detail tabulation (DGN) Detail tabulation (PDF)
DMS grounding/conduit typical (DGN) DMS grounding/conduit typical (PDF)
E-ZPass antenna mounting (DGN) E-ZPass antenna mounting (PDF)
E-ZPass Enforcement beacon - round support (DGN) E-ZPass Enforcement beacon - round support (PDF)
E-ZPass enforcement beacon (DGN) E-ZPass enforcement beacon (PDF)
E-ZPass equipment system wiring diagram (DGN) E-ZPass equipment system wiring diagram (PDF)
E-ZPass equipment typical (DGN) E-ZPass equipment typical (PDF)
Fiber optic cable encasement (DGN) Fiber optic cable encasement (PDF)
Fiber optic cable labeling (DGN) Fiber optic cable labeling (PDF)
Fiber optic splice vault installation (DGN) Fiber optic splice vault installation (PDF)
Flasher signal (DGN) Flasher signal (PDF)
Generator control/transfer switch connections (DGN) Generator control/transfer switch connections (PDF)
Hanger bracket (DGN) Hanger bracket (PDF)
LC connectors (DGN) LC connectors (PDF)
Legend for communication schematics (DGN) Legend for communication schematics (PDF)
Loop detector typical - Part 2 (DGN) Loop detector typical - Part 2 (PDF)
Non-intrusive detection pole installation (DGN) Non-intrusive detection pole installation (PDF)
One-way ramp control signal (DGN) One-way ramp control signal (PDF)
Pole-mounted CCTV CAA at CCTV or NID pole (DGN) Pole-mounted CCTV CAA at CCTV or NID pole (PDF)
Preformed loop detector - Part 1 (DGN) Preformed loop detector - Part 1 (PDF)
FO pull vault at splicing locations installation (DGN) FO pull vault at splicing locations installation (PDF)
Pull vault installation (DGN) Pull vault installation (PDF)
Ramp control signal control cable termination guide (DGN) Ramp control signal control cable termination guide (PDF)
Sawcut loop detector typical - Part 1 (DGN) Sawcut loop detector typical - Part 1 (PDF)
Service and grounding installations (DGN) Service and grounding installations (PDF)
Tabulation of estimated quantities (DGN) Tabulation of estimated quantities (PDF)
Title sheet (DGN) Title sheet (PDF)
TMS components - inserted into other plan (DGN) TMS components - inserted into other plan (PDF)
TMS components - standalone plan (DGN) TMS components - standalone plan (PDF)
Two-way ramp control signal (DGN) Two-way ramp control signal (PDF)
Typical 334 cabinet installation (DGN) Typical 334 cabinet installation (PDF)
Typical DMS 334 cabinet installation (DGN) Typical DMS 334 cabinet installation (PDF)
TYPICAL foundation (DGN) TYPICAL foundation (PDF)