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MnDOT Library

E-books on cloudLibrary

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Search and Checkout cloudLibrary E-books

The cloudLibrary is available to library customers on your computer or mobile device! No reader needs to be downloaded for your PC or laptop. For details on what mobile devices and e-readers work with cloudLibrary E-books, and how to download a reader app, visit the Readers App page on the cloudLibrary (opens a new window) website.

Borrowing and Renewal Policies:

  • Borrowers may check out cloudLibrary e-books with their MnDOT library card ID.
    Note: if you don't know your MnDOT library card ID, please contact us.
  • A maximum of 2 e-books can be checked out at a time.
  • E-books are checked out for 28 days.
  • E-books may not be renewed, but can be checked out again if available when the checkout period ends.
  • If a title is checked out, you may place a hold on that title. Request limit is 2 items.
  • You can suggest e-book titles for us to purchase at Ask a Librarian.
  • Please see our library E-book circulation policy.