Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

MnDOT Library

MnDOT Library Interlibrary Loan Policy

Reviewed May 2020

MnDOT Library will borrow materials from other libraries to expand the range and number of resources available to our customers. We will also loan materials to other libraries to share the library’s collections as widely as possible in compliance with the ALA Interlibrary Loan Code and applicable copyright laws.


MnDOT Library will originate an interlibrary loan request for resources not owned by the library or for resources missing from the library’s collections.  Except in extraordinary circumstances, the library will request materials only for work-related needs of MnDOT employees, staff, faculty and students working with the Center for Transportation Studies, employees of Minnesota’s transportation-related federal, regional, county, municipal and township agencies, and firms under contract to the department.  Customers from the general public requesting resources not contained in the library collections should be referred to the requester’s local public library.  Students and faculty with similar requests, should be referred to their academic library.

MnDOT Library will accept requests for loans of materials from our collections from any library.  Any requests from individuals or corporate entities will not be honored and the requester should be referred to their local public or corporate library to arrange a loan.


MnDOT Library will comply with the Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States in requesting and providing interlibrary loans.  Within the parameters of U.S. Copyright Law and CONTU guidelines, MnDOT Library will lend original, photocopied or scanned copies of any monograph owned by the library.  Within the same parameters, MnDOT Library will provide photocopied or scanned copies of articles and papers from magazines, conference proceedings and other collected works.  MnDOT Library will not make available through interlibrary loan the entire issue or volume of any magazine, conference proceeding or other collected work.


Any exceptions to this policy must be authorized by the library director.