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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Logo Signs


Logo signs


Logo signs are guide signs that provide road users with business identification and directional information for services and eligible attractions. Eligible service categories are defined by the Federal Highway Administration as being limited to gas, food, lodging, camping, attractions and 24-hour pharmacies. Mainline logo signs are allowed on interstate and freeway highways within the State of Minnesota. Trailblazing signs are smaller signs located on freeway exit ramps and local roads to direct motorists from the freeway to the business.


The Minnesota Sign Franchise Program, which allows for the installation and maintenance of logo signs, was established by Minnesota Statute 160.80 in 1984. This program is in general conformance with the specific service signing guidelines in the Federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Eligibility criteria is contained in Minnesota Statute 160.80 and MnDOT's Sign Franchise Contract.

MnDOT's Logo Sign Franchise Contract is currently managed and operated by Minnesota Logos.

Learn more about business eligibility and participation fees.


For details on qualification and how to apply for signing, contact:

Dave DeSutter
General Manager
Minnesota Logos
952-895-8079 or 1-800-769-3197

MnDOT's Logo Franchise Contract Project Manager:

Eric Peterson
State Signing Engineer
Minnesota Department of Transportation