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Materials and Road Research


Materials and Road Research | Concrete engineering

Concrete manual

Concrete manual update

The concrete manual is currently being revised to bring it up-to-date to conform to the 2020 edition of the MnDOT Standard Specifications for Construction. It is scheduled to be completed in 2025.


  • To familiarize Engineering Personnel, Contractors, and Consultants with the fundamentals, principles, and better practices of concrete construction
  • To obtain the best possible concrete pavements and structures, consistent with job specifications


  • Particular emphasis is placed on test methods and inspection procedures for the control of concrete production and placement.
  • Includes a description of concrete materials, their uses and applications on concrete pavements, bases, bridges, culverts, curb and gutter, and other miscellaneous construction, construction procedures for the various types of work, items of concern to the Inspectors, duties of the Inspectors, typical design, adjustment of concrete mixes, useful tables, and required report forms.
  • Where the instructions in this Manual differ from the Specifications and Plans on a project, the Specifications and Plans shall govern.