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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Materials and Road Research

Materials and Road Research | Concrete engineering

Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation Program


Prior to undertaking a concrete repair project, the Concrete Engineering Unit recommends an investigation into the soundness of the proposed concrete pavement. One – two years prior to letting, the pavement should be cored at various locations on and adjacent to some of the joints. Based on the visual results of the extracted cores, other testing may be needed including compressive strength testing, hardened air content testing, petrographic analysis, etc. Contact the Concrete Engineering Unit for further information.

New - Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation (CPR) Guide

The CPR Guide is a web-based interactive resource detailing the MnDOT processes and materials utilized to repair portland cement concrete pavements. The CPR Guide’s target audience is Inspectors, Contractors, Materials Engineers, Maintenance Engineers, Consultants and Designers who are involved in the CPR process.

Revisions and Modifications

CD-HV and CX repair details have been revised to include 11 dowel bars per lane instead of the previously published 8 dowel bars per lane. CPR details and State Aid repair details have been modified and combined as of August 2015. Review the CPR memo and boiler plates for details about specific revisions and modifications.

CPR memo and boiler plates


Concrete mix designs


Prepackaged dry concrete (3U18 and 3U58M)