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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Materials and Road Research

Materials and Road Research | Lab Testing

Materials Laboratory Manual No. 5-695

The MnDOT Laboratory Manual outlines laboratory test procedures for materials testing. As of May 20, 2008 the MnDOT Laboratory Manual is only available as an electronic version, see Transmittal Letter 08-01 (PDF).


1000 - Standard Practices

1200 - Aggregate and Sand

1300 - Soil

1400 - Cement, Concrete Products, and Curing Materials

1500 - Metallic Materials

1600 - Joint Materials and Bearing Pads

1700 - Miscellaneous Materials

1800 - Bituminous Mix Designs

2000 - Calibration of Field Testing Equipment

2100 - Rock Salt and Alternative Winter Chemicals

2200 - Concrete

Sections 3000, 4000 and 5000 are reserved for future use.