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Materials and Road Research

Materials and Road Research | Pavement Design | Software

TONN 2010 Manual Installation

  1. Make a folder on your C: drive called TONN2010. It has to be directly on the C: drive and exactly named TONN2010 because the program will look for files in C:\TONN2010. The C: drive can be found in "This PC", "Computer" or "My Computer".
  2. Right-click the following links and select "Save Target As" or "Save Link As". Navigate to the C:\TONN2010 folder.
    1. backdefl.txt
    2. tonn2010.dll
  3. Right-click the following link: TONN2010.xlsm and save the spreadsheet in a folder of your choice.

You can run the spreadsheet from any location, but the other two files must be in C:\TONN2010.

If you get an error message when using a macro workbook, follow these instructions: How to Enable Macros in Excel (PDF).