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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Materials and Road Research

Materials and Road Research

Traffic Sign Life Expectancy Project (LRRB INV 943)

The Minnesota Local Road Research Board funded this project (PDF) to develop new expected sign life values. This will enable local agencies to better manage their traffic sign assets and decrease their costs by enabling more efficient sign replacement strategies.

Project goals

  • Develop sign life expectancies for sheeting materials used in Minnesota
  • Identify the common drivers of sign replacements
  • Provide guidance to local agencies on adoption of sign maintenance policies

Project schedule (Revision #1, 04/14)

Task 1: Survey of Practice, April 30th, 2013
Task 2: Test Deck & Data Collection Plan, June 30th, 2013
Task 3: MnROAD Data Collection, FY 2013-2014
Task 4: MnROAD Data Collection, FY 2015
Task 5: MnROAD Data Collection, FY 2016-2017
Task 6: System Data Collection, December 30th, 2013
Task 7: Data Analysis, Recommendations, Report June 30th, 2014

Sign life expectancy guidance

Project presentations

Resources and literature

Minnesota sign life database

MnDOT sign test deck - layout and photos

Resources for project participants