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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Report a pothole, graffiti or other roadside issue

In Twin Cities Metro area

Background on reporting a pothole, graffiti or other roadside issue

MnDOT maintains state highways and interstates. Before reporting a pothole or other roadside issue, check our Twin Cities Metro area highway map or our interactive highway map to make sure the pothole or other roadside issue is on a state highway or interstate.

MnDOT maintains state highways and interstates, not city or county roads. Check out our map below before reporting a pothole or other roadside issue.
I-94 highway sheild, Minnesota State highway shield and US hwy shield
Examples of interstate and state highway markers
I-94 highway sheild, Minnesota State highway shield and US hwy shield

Report pothole, graffiti or other roadside issue

On state highways in the Twin Cities Metro area only.

*To report potholes, graffiti or other roadside issues on state highways OUTSIDE of the Twin Cities Metro area, contact your local MnDOT district maintenance representative.

Call 911 for a road emergency.