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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Metro District Traffic Engineering

Data Collection Unit

Orange barrels on a highway

About the Data Collection Unit

What we do

The Data Collection Unit responds to requests for traffic data as needed and collects biennial volume data at predetermined sites throughout the Metro District. Data is collected using electronic counting devices, pneumatic tubes, radar detection, and video cameras to accommodate different scenarios which includes turn movement, counting cars, trucks, pedestrians/bicycles passing through a specific location or intersection during a fixed period of time. Raw data is processed into the various types of traffic studies by using comprehensive software programs and/or manually counting when necessary. The unit also amalgamates, processes, edits, and stores completed data to provide reports when requested.

The Data Collection Unit works with both internal and external functional groups.Internal customers include Program Support, Work Zones, Signal Operations, Signal Design, external customers include Metro Design, Metro Construction, MnDOT Central Office, Counties, Cities, Consultants, and other local government agencies within the Metro District.

Our unit works in a team environment, which establishes effective and efficient working relationships with various stakeholders within Metro District.
