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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

News releases

March 27, 2024

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Hwy 61 lane closures begin April 1 near Withers Harbor in Red Wing, detours to follow

RED WING, Minn. –Highway 61 motorists at Withers Harbor in Red Wing will encounter lane closures beginning Monday, April 1 as bridge replacement construction begins its second and final year, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

On Monday, April 1, motorists on Highway 61 will be moved to into the right lanes in the work zone near Withers Harbor Drive as crews do work in the median. Lunda Construction, MnDOT’s prime contractor, will  also close Withers Harbor Drive under the bridge and set up the road and trail detour on April 1.  Crews will be setting up their crane and preparing to start on demolition of the southbound bridge, which will begin on Wednesday, April 3.

On April 3 traffic will be moved in both directions to the northbound bridge over Withers Harbor Drive. This will close left-hand turns in both directions at Bench Street, as well as the northbound left-hand turn at Tile Drive. Signs will be in place directing traffic to the detour routes.

Motorists who want to use Bench Street but are unable to make left turns will use Tyler Road to either reach Bench Street south or north.

Traffic delays are possible in this area especially during the morning and afternoon commuting times.

The work is related to the Highway 61 Withers Harbor bridge project in Red Wing, which began in 2023 with the replacement of the northbound bridge. Crews will be replacing the southbound bridge this season.

To learn more about this project or others along Highway 61, go to MnDOT’s website where you can also sign up for email and text message updates, and review information.

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