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Project Management


Scope Guidance

Properly scoping projects is one of the key elements to successfully delivering a project on-time and on-budget. The scoping document helps identify key risk elements early in the process and allows time for project teams to mitigate these risks.

Project managers are responsible for preparing a Scoping Document on all MnDOT Let projects.

Internal MnDOT Scoping webpage

Additional tools on internal webpage

Quality Scoping Documents

The following documents describe in greater detail the scoping process:

  • Scoping Report
  • Project Charter
  • Functional Group Scoping Worksheets
  • Risk Register
  • Total Project Cost Estimate (TPCE)
  • Project Change Request Form (as needed)

When preparing the Scoping Report, the Project Manager needs to insure the document is consistent with MNSHIP Investment Document, in particular the investment categories in Chapter 1 of the Document.

Scoping Timeline

Comprehensive scoping is to be done before a project appears in the STIP. For all projects entering the Draft STIP, the following schedule applies:

November 15: Draft Scoping Document and Scoping Worksheets Completed
January 15: Project Manager completes and signs final Scoping Report
April 15: ADE approves and signs Scoping Report

Scoping Schedules

Each scoped project needs a P6 Scoping Schedule. Contact your Shared Services Center (SSC) representative to build the schedule.