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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

MnDOT Policies

Security and Integrity

Retired - Formerly MnDOT Policy 4.13 and Guidelines 4.13.G-3 and 4.13.G-4
View/print signed policy retirement (PDF)

Reason for retiring policy

The Security and Integrity Policy, Protection from Viruses Guideline, and Copyright of Computer Software Guideline are obsolete and unnecessary because MnDOT complies with Minnesota IT Services (MNIT) Information Security Policies and Standards. IT Security is a high-profile issue for all agencies, therefore MNIT sets information technology policies and standards for the entire State of Minnesota. Workstation management and security are IT Enterprise Services that include computer software standards, security patching and virus protection.



May 23, 1995


  • First Revision: October 23, 2001


October 22, 2020