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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

MnDOT Policies

Use of Collaboration Technologies

Retired - formerly MnDOT Policy 4.24
View/print signed policy rescission (PDF)

Policy statement

The purpose of this policy is to promote the responsible use of collaboration technologies for work-related purposes by MnDOT employees.

Reason for retiring the policy

The subject matter pertaining to the use of collaboration technologies is addressed in the referenced policy, statutes and MnDOT IT guidance; a separate policy is not needed.

Using technology in a safe and secure manner is every employee’s responsibility. MnDOT Office of Information Technology develops, publishes and updates "Do(s) and Don't(s) for Information Technology Use - MnDOT" (note: for employees only), to help employees understand their specific responsibilities when using technology resources; the list of “Do(s) and Don’t(s) will change as new technology and changes in risk make it necessary to change the guidance to MnDOT employees.

MnDOT management fully adopts the statewide policy on “Appropriate Use of Electronic Communication and Technology” issued by the Departments of Minnesota Management & Budget and Administration on January 3, 2012 and the “Mobile Devices Use Addendum” revised on January 3, 2012 which can be found at Appropriate Use of Electronic Communication and Technology, as well as Minnesota Statute 169.475 "Use of Wireless Communications Device." Minnesota Management & Budget ensures that the statewide policy is accurate, updated, and that relevant interpretations of the law are considered.

Government data which is distributed (regardless of the means of transmission) by MnDOT employees must be accurate, consistent, timely, and meet the information needs of MnDOT’s customers and comply with all applicable federal and state laws including the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Chapter 13 and the Official Records Act, Chapter 15.17.