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Minnesota Department of Transportation

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MnDOT Policies

Appointments on Interview Panels, Committees and Task Forces

Retired - formerly MnDOT Policy 3.17
View/print signed policy rescission (PDF)

Policy statement

Managers and supervisors are strongly encouraged to include racial/ethnic minorities and women from inside or outside the Department on employment interview panels especially when a disparity in employment exists and racial/ethnic minorities and/or women are among those scheduled for an interview. Managers and supervisors also are encouraged to give serious consideration to appointments to task forces and committees especially when qualified candidates exist but also, when feasible, with the intent of upgrading skills of these protected classes and making them more visible in the total Mn/DOT environment.

Reason for retiring the policy

One of MnDOT's goals is to create a diverse and inclusive workplace. One way to advance this effort is to appoint qualified and diverse candidates to serve on interview panels, committees and task forces. The Office of Equity and Diversity is a resource for managers and supervisors to ensure consideration of diverse candidates. The current policy no longer meets contemporary business practices.