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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

MnDOT Policies

International Travel

Retired - formerly MnDOT Policy 3.98-3
View/print signed policy rescission (PDF)

Policy statement

Excerpts from the current policy:
“MnDOT acknowledges the importance of cooperative information sharing, employee exchange programs, joint research ventures on a national and international basis and participation in national and international conferences and symposiums.”

“Since all out of state travel, and, in particular international travel, is under intense scrutiny, the department feels it necessary to lay out the parameters for international travel and to have all such travel first approved by one source in the department, in addition and prior to submitting travel requests to the Department of Employee Relations.”

Reason for retiring the policy

The policy no longer reflects contemporary business practices for international travel and has been replaced by the MnDOT Business Manual which provides criteria for candidate selection, work planning and requesting authorization for out-of-state travel, purchasing airline tickets, registration fees and expenses.