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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

MnDOT Policies

Transportation Research Board - Membership, Attendance, Reporting, Funding, Relationship between TRB and MnDOT

Retired - formerly MnDOT Policy 6.82-1, Guidelines 6.82-G1, 6.82-G2, 6.82-G3, Procedure 6.82-1P1
View/print signed policy rescission (PDF)

Policy statement

The department will, in accordance with guidelines and procedures established under this authority, maintain a close working relationship with the Transportation Research Board (TRB), be supportive toward enhancing the repute and effectiveness of the TRB, provide appropriate financial support of the TRB, and encourage and support staff professionals and other qualified employees in active participation in TRB functions and activities.

Reason for retiring the policy

The policy and guidelines no longer reflect contemporary business practices; a policy is not needed.