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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

MnDOT Policies

Hazardous Waste Considerations in Route or Facility Site Selection

Retired - formerly MnDOT Policy 6.86-1, Guideline 6.86-1G1, Procedure 6.86-1P1
View/print signed policy rescission (PDF)

Policy statement

It is the policy of the Minnesota Department of Transportation to avoid potentially hazardous waste sites, if at all possible, during route or facility site selection. For those situations where avoidance is not possible or practical, the costs and potential impacts for proceeding with the project must be carefully developed and weighed. In addition, all regulatory requirements leading up to development of the site must be complied with.

Reason for retiring the policy

The subject matter pertaining to hazardous waste considerations in route or facility site selection is addressed in a draft Technical Memorandum on the Environmental Due Diligence process; a separate policy is not needed.