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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

MnDOT Policies

Pollution Prevention; Hazardous Waste; Toxic Chemicals/Materials

Retired - formerly MnDOT Policy 6.92-1
View/print signed policy rescission (PDF)

Policy statement

Pollution prevention is the policy of the Department of Transportation. The Department of Transportation shall whenever possible and feasible reduce the generation of hazardous waste and the use of toxic chemicals. It shall be the policy of the Department to search for and whenever possible to use materials and supplies which are nonhazardous and nontoxic. The primary goal of this policy is to prevent pollution at its source, and reduce waste and emissions, minimizing the adverse impact on the air, water, and land of Minnesota.

Reason for retiring the policy

The subject matter pertaining to pollution prevention is addressed in Technical Memorandum No. 11-04-ENV-01 Hazard Evaluation Process of Products and Waste Materials and Technical Memorandum No. 12-05-ENV-01 Regulated Waste Disposal: MnDOT Approved Procedures and End Sites; a separate policy is not needed.