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Design Scene and Guidance

Design Scene

These documents provide designers with guidance in the application of statewide standards and conventions used in the development of construction plans. Our goal is to present plan information in a clear and consistent format; easy to understand by both the department and industry.

Design Scene Part 1 Pay Item Guidance

Information related to pay items usage when preparing the Statement of Estimated Quantities.

Design Scene Part 2 Plan Conventions

Guidance in the development of construction plans.  The chapters are organized by plan section as listed on the title sheet index.

Guidance and Resources

These are presentations, checklists and documents to assist with plan preparation. Please be advised that this section is a work in progress and will be updated by the Design Services Unit as time permits. The Design Scene is the most current information.

Project rating

Plan presentation basics

These are sample plan sheets with guidance on presenting the plan information.

Related resources