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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Approved/Qualified Products

Asphalt release agent

Product Manufacturer Truck Beds Other Equipment Dilution Rate* Approval Date
Teclon-Pro TecTeam, Ind. Yes Yes 5:1 08/23/13
Black Magic BG Chemical Yes Yes full strength to 8:1 09/05/13
Green Guard BG Chemical Yes Yes 5:1 to 20:1 09/05/13
8277 ChemStation International Yes Yes 4:1 07/03/14
Avalanche Meyer Laboratory, Inc. Yes Yes 5:1 to 20:1 09/19/14
Clear Release KT Chemicals Yes Yes full strength 04/08/15
Popcorn Buster KT Chemicals Yes Yes full strength 04/11/17
Ultra Slider Meyer Laboratory, Inc. Yes Yes full strength to 20:1 09/06/17
TA-200 GS Asphalt Solutions Yes Yes 80:1 05/02/18
22169 ChemStation International Yes No 4:1 to 20:1 05/22/18
Endurance HD Asphalt Release Agent Lube-Tech Yes Yes full strength to 10:1 03/06/20
No.1 Zep, Inc. (formerly Compound Technologies, Inc.) Yes No 5:1 to 15:1 07/17/20
BMF Zep, Inc. (formerly Compound Technologies, Inc.) Yes Yes 5:1 to 15:1 07/17/20
Super Slider Meyer Laboratory, Inc. Yes Yes full strength to 10:1**


(**updated 7/2/24)

Loose Juice BG Chemical Yes Yes 10:1 06/15/21
First Choice Concentrate Solutions2 (made by Brody Chemical) Yes Yes 20:1 08/11/22
Pinnacle Zep, Inc. Yes No 3:1 03/20/23
EZ-2 Slide Solutions2 Yes Yes 10:1 12/09/24

* Contact the supplier / manufacturer for specific guidance on use and dilution rate.