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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Approved/Qualified Products

Non-metallic Fibers


Product Manufacturer Dosage (lb/cu.yd) Method of Incorporating Fibers * Approval Date
Advantage MAPEI Corporation 4 1 & 2 7/16/18
Mapefibre ST 50 Twisted MAPEI Corporation 5 1 & 2 2/27/24
Enduro Prime 60mm SIKA 4 1 & 2 7/16/19
FiberForce 650 ABC Polymer 4 1 & 2 9/13/18
Forta-Ferro Forta 4 1 & 2 3/20/19
MasterFiber MAC 330 Master Builder Solutions 4 1 & 2 6/28/23
MasterFiber MAC 360 FF Master Builder Solutions 4 1 & 2 9/13/18
Performax HT Fabpro Polymers 4 1 & 2 2/9/22
STRUX 90/40 GCP Applied Technologies 4 1 & 2 7/10/19
STRUX 75/32 GCP Applied Technologies 4 1 & 2 9/15/19
TUF-STRAND SF Euclid 4 1 & 2 9/13/18

* 1: Open bag and distribute fibers on aggregate belt at ready-mix concrete plant.
2: Open bag, break apart any fiber clumps, and introduce fibers into ready-mix concrete truck in a well-distributed manner (i.e., "chicken feed").