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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Approved/Qualified Products

Non-shrink grouts

ASTM C1107


Product Name Manufacturer
Ambex Anchoring Caplules - AAC Ambex Concrete Technologies Inc.
Construction Grout BASF
Tenon Construction Grout Bluestone Products
Tenon High Strength Precision Grout Bluestone Products
Burke Non-Ferrous, Non-Shrink Grout Burke
Pro-Grout 90 CGM Incorporated
Pro Grout 100 CGM Incorporated
Por Rok CGM Incorporated
Set Grout Chemrex Inc.
100 Non-Shrink, Non-Metallic Grout Con-Spec
Enduro 50 Con-Spec
1107 Advantage Grout Dayton Superior
Sure-Grip Precision Grout Dayton-Superior
Sure-Grip High Performance Grout Dayton-Superior
NS Grout Euclid Chemical
Multipurpose Grout Hilti North America
Precision Grout Hilti North America
CRYSTEX L & M Construction Chemicals
Duragrout L & M Construction Chemicals
V1/30 Non-Shrink Grout Pagel
V1/50 Non-Shrink Grout Pagel
ProSpec High Strength Precision Grout ProSpec
C-1107 Construction Grout ProSpec
Sauereisen F 100 Sauereisen Cements
SikaGrout 212 Sika
SC Multipurpose Grout SpecChem
Superb Grout 611 Specco Industries, Inc.
NC Grout Tamms Industries
Uni Grout Universal Form Clamp
Uni Grout Super Universal Form Clamp
EG Grout US Mix Corporation
GP Grout US Mix Corporation
MP Grout US Mix Corporation
HE Grout US Mix Corporation
Certi-Grout # 1000 Vexcon Chemicals
Pac-it W.R. Meadows
Sealtight 588 W.R. Meadows
CG-86 W.R. Meadows
CG-86 DOT W.R. Meadows