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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Approved/Qualified Products

Graffiti removers

Surfaces Without Anti-Graffiti Coating

Product Manufacturer Use Requirements
Taginator Equipment Trade Service Co. Inc.
Graffiti Wipes Total Solutions
Elephant Snot Graffiti Remover Graffiti Solutions, Inc.
Total capture and containment near surface water, appropriate PPE, and only on surfaces that cannot be painted over.

Surfaces With Anti-Graffiti Coating

Product Manufacturer
Taginator Equipment Trade Service Co. Inc., 610-583-7657
Graffiti Wipes Total Solutions, 414-354-6417
Tagaway Equipment Trade Service Co. Inc., 414-354-6417
Vandalism Mark & Stain Remover Claire Manufacturing Co., 630-543-7600